Friday, January 18, 2008

my first digital scrapbook page!

OK so I know I'm way behind but I had to start somewhere! The page is not a professional one but it's there all the same! Thanks to Tisha, who motivated me to go out and finally buy a digital scrapbooking program, I can finally get rid of all my STUFF I had to pull out every time I wanted to make a page and put it all away again! I do still love that but I'll do some of both I suppose. I'll post some more later, it's so fun! I'm glad I'm finally with the digital times...well, I actually realize every time I go to one of those cute scrapbooking websites, how behind I actually am. Ohwell, we can't do it all!

1 comment:

Mad Scientist Society said...

Congratulations on your first digital scrapbooking page! I love them. Thanks for sharing. Come share your work over at, we'd love to see more as you get them done.