Monday, March 24, 2008


So, as always Easter was crazy but good! I think this Easter was special. I'm sure everybody understands this feeling and that there is no way to describe it, but here goes a try. I love that feeling that you get when your kids actually understand the things you've been trying since they were born to teach them. The feeling that what you are teaching them is bigger than right there at home and it's going to be something they take with them for the rest of their lives. I got that feeling on Easter morning when we sat and tried to explain the true meaning of Easter to Hunter & Hanna. It worked a lot better with Hunter and even then, it was just a glimpse, but it taught me something about my self and how important our jobs are as mothers. I can't believe sometimes how much these little people depend on me, and most of the time I feel so inadaquate. But once in a while I get that really wonderful peace that comes when I know what were doing is the most important job in the whole world and I wouldn't trade it for the whole world!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

What a cute family! And what a good mother you are. I look up to you so much. We need to get our kids together. Noah has a runny nose- is Hunter still sick? Let's plan something.