Thursday, April 3, 2008

Nap hair

I love it when Hanna first wakes up, the hair is so cute and smooshed to one side and the snuggles are the best. Hunter can't wait to see her!


Marianne said...

Wait a minute! Did Kelsey have another baby? I didn't know she was having another one! I'm glad they're doing well. That's early Noah was too. Does her doctor know why?

I love all your new posts! Have I ever told you how cute your kids are?!! You have such a stinking cute family!

We need to get together! Noah got really sick this week, but he's better now. If we can just get everyone well at the same time we could have a play date! Let me know if you want to come up or sometime when I know I'm going down we could work something out. I know Noah would love it.

Cute blog!! Thanks for converting me to blogging! I'm hooked!

We are the Dall family said...

Hi Ashley!! I am glad that I found youon here. Cute kids!!
