Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Hunter!

I thought I would put a little post on for my little guy! He turned 4 on Saturday and I can't believe the time has gone by so fast. He really is a sweatheart and I love him forever!
Hunter, I can't wait to talk to you every morning when you wake up. Your hugs are so needed, your kisses are so precious and your words are so innocent. Please don't grow too fast. Everytime you see me cry about anything you ask if I am sad that you are growing up too fast, well, today the answer is yes. I want you to experience so much but not too much. Maybe it's just selfish. Maybe I just want you to stay with me forever & I know it has to end someday. Maybe I know how smart and wonderful you are and am already scared you will leave or grow up too soon. Maybe I am just not ready to have a 4 year who is starting school. I just want you to stay happy & keep that cute laugh and smile you have so often. I love every minute of you! Happy Birthday!


Mare said...

It was great to see you guys and to spend time with you! I remember the first time I saw your little guy - after a really long wait in the hospital :) He was the most perfect and beautiful baby I think I'd ever seen (Besides mine of course!).
Happy Birthday kiddo - we love you!

Katie said...

Holy Cow I can't believe he is four years old already! He is adorable! Man they sure do grow up fast.

Momma Dil said...

Happy Birthday, Hunter. It's been a blast watching you grow up -I can say that since I'm not your mom :)

Tiff and Rand said...

I'm feeling the EXACT same way with Riley. He turned 3 on the 14th and seems so grown up! He talks like a little man, goes to preschool and tries to be Reagan's Daddy. It's freakin' me out a little how fast it's all going! Reagan too, it's like my babies are GONE and now they're cute, but crazy toddlers...or more like little people! Crazy stuff. Good to see you and your cute family is doing good. Love you guys!