Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Christmas Star!

This Christmas, we decided to start a new tradition. We are making our own star for our Christmas tree! Jon is very creative when it comes to these things, I think that comes from having his big family. He is very -think outside of the box- type! I wish I had that in me, but since I don't...I'll leave it to him! Well the best part was how excited the kids were about it, they ate it up!

They both got to help and it was definitely a "hands on" activity. Hanna loves to get dirty, Hunter...not so much!

Again...I apologize for Hanna not having any clothes on but if you have little ones... you know how that is a MUST!

our paper mache genius!

I was good for something. I thought of where to hang it to dry!

Yay! The final product. It looks pretty good!

Yeah, this is just Hanna & I being crazy!


Rob and Tiff said...

What a great idea! your hubby realy is a creative guy. It makes the tree look very beautiful.

Momma Dil said...

I love that idea! Way cute...