Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bridger Jon Harris

This is Jon. Here is my first attempt at blogging!

Bridger Jon Harris-It's a boy!!!
We are glad to announce the birth of our son Bridger Jon Harris born 27 Jul 2009. He weighed just slightly under 8 lbs. The nurses said we would just call it 8 lbs since it was 7 lbs 15.6 oz.

He struggled right after birth with breathing and was quickly whisked away for increased care.

After a few hours of showing little improvement, the Doctor & Nurses decided it would be a good idea to get him increased care at the University of Utah Medical Center Newborn Intensive Care(NBICU) Unit. It was hard to see him with all the tubes being attached to him and being flown away. I chased him in the truck and Ashlee spent the night at the Jordan Valley Hospital. Luckily the doctors let her out the next morning because she is doing awesome.
Sorry I look Drunk. It was a long day. Here he is in the NBICU at the U of U hospital. They put a CPAP on him which I don't exactly know what that is, it helped him breathe and by the next day his breathing had improved, his lungs had cleared out a bit, and his CO2 levels had dropped. They told us those are all good things. He is still in NBICU, but is still improving. We have hopes to have him out of the hospital by the end of the week.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How does pregnancy look?

Well, I guess since we moved out her to boony town and don't get to see our friends very often...not that I would want them to see the huge version of me right now... but I guess I should post a picture of my HUGE pregnant self. It's always good to look back on those pictures to remember how GREAT you feel and LOOK those last weeks! I don't want to see that picture again for a LONG LONG time! Haha, Maybe I'll feel differently in 5 days! 5 days baby woohoo!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Our summer Cabin trip!

We went to the cabin a coule weeks ago ( I know I am a couple weeks late on all my posts, ohwell!!!) And soaked it up because we will only be able to go once this summer where we usually go at least a couple times!

Jon and Hunter had a good time fishing and almost caught one :)

We love it there, it's so nice to get away and just relax! Here are some pics of our fun little trip!Hunter stripped down to go swimming in the lake! I was so surprised he did it, last year there was no way he would do that! It was freezing by the way!
THe whole family wanted a picture...Yeah, not a good thing being 8 months pregnant!!!
Hanna, Hunter, Jordynn, Kyler!
All us sisters!

Hunter and Daddy fishing!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pregnancy update!

Okay we have an induction scheduled for July 27th!!!!! The doctor says if this baby comes anytime now that there will be no problem with the size! Maybe that's why I feel so ready to have this one! So the swelling continues and the ankles are getting better. 18 days Woohoo!