Tuesday, July 21, 2009

How does pregnancy look?

Well, I guess since we moved out her to boony town and don't get to see our friends very often...not that I would want them to see the huge version of me right now... but I guess I should post a picture of my HUGE pregnant self. It's always good to look back on those pictures to remember how GREAT you feel and LOOK those last weeks! I don't want to see that picture again for a LONG LONG time! Haha, Maybe I'll feel differently in 5 days! 5 days baby woohoo!


Jer and Jules said...

I think you look so cute! You pull of the 'pregnant look' very well. But I can imagine you're probably pretty uncomfortable. Can't wait to see the new little one!

Meredith said...

You look adorable! Can't wait to hear who this baby is!

Marianne said...

What are you talking about? You look gorgeous! Good luck with everything!

Sorry we didn't make it down there to see you. I really want to see you and the new house. But I definitely want to come down after the baby comes. When you're up for company, I'll be there!

jilljohnson said...

I think you look great. Good Luck with the baby. Please post lots of cute pictures. Also will you e-mail me your mailing address. jillytow@aol.com

Tisha said...

You look SO cute! Hang in there... just a few more days

Emily Gray Clawson said...

That is a darling picture. Good luck to you this week! We'll be thinking of you. I can't wait to find out it you have a mini-Jon or a mini-Ashlee coming to your family so make sure Jon posts on your blog and let's us know!

Lolly Soulier said...

You are gorgeous as always my friend. You're in our prayers this week! I can't wait to hear if it's a boy or girl...such a fun surprise!