Thursday, August 27, 2009

what we've missed!

First of all, I want to wish my big guy a happy birthday! Hunter turned 5 on Sunday and he is very confused now as to why he doesn't "feel 5!" He cracks us up! Hunter is such a special little guy and is loved by EVERYONE that meets him. He just had his first day of school today! I can't believe he is growing up SO fast!

Hunter's first day of Kindergarten. I still can't believe he's this old!!!
Hunter had his first sleep over on Tuesday with his best bud Bryson! They had a blast and totally stayed up way too late!... Sorry Christy!

His new 2 WHEELER bike! He won't even try riding it yet, Hopefully he'll warm up to it soon.

As always, his famous baseball icecream filled cake. His Favorite!

Bridger's update:
Bridger is doing great! He is now off the oxygen during the day and only at night so calm me! I keep the pulse ox. machine on at night just to listen and if it beeps from his oxygen being too low then I slip the canulas on, but the last 2 nights he had no beeps!! YAY! I am still pretty nervous about him so I'll keep the monitor on for a while!

This is just a cute pic with little bridger when he was still on his Oxygen.

Now the little man weighs 11 lbs. and counting! He had his curcumcision on Tuesday and has been an ornery little fart since! Today was a lot better, I think the pain is wearing off. Poor guy, I imagine that's not too pleasant.

Hanna can't get enough of our little Bridger guy!

He is so working on his 3rd chin! What a chunk!

I think these are my favorite pictures. Bridger can't smile yet but he knows what's going on and looks right at Hunter and Hanna. It's so fun to watch!


Marianne said...

Oh, so cute! I need to get down there and see your new guy! What a cute little porker! That's so exciting for Hunter to be going to school, and how weird for you I'm sure. Where does the time go?

Tisha said...

He is such a doll. I love all that dark hair!

Meredith said...

Are you adjusting to life with three kids? I think Bridger looks like Hunter. He is nice and chunky too. Way cute. My kids never get those fun baby rolls. Just long and skinny. Tell Jon I really miss running with him. I'm thinking of quiting because there is no one to entertain me.

Mare said...

What adorable pictures. I love the one with the three all just playing together. So glad he's doing better. I keep catching myself. I see how old my kids are, and your kids and it seems like I just blinked and they grew up. Crazy... enjoy every moment!

Jenn's Notes said...

He is soooo CUTE!!! You guys make beautiful babies!!!

jilljohnson said...

Your Kids are so cute. It is great that Bridger is off the oxgyn during the day.