Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas is coming!

Just going to highlight some of our fav. things these past few months! I have really fallen out of the blogging world.

Hunter's first try of a War Head! Can't beat the face!

Murray Park with our Good friends Christy and Megan!
We miss you guys!
Hanna and Megan still get together once in a while! They just miss eachother so it's rare to play

Bridger thinks he is officially one of the big boys now!

Hanna's been doing a Joy School with some of her friends in the neighborhood.

Ready for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
Every time one of us sits down to play the piano, Bridger is not far behind us! He hates it when I teach lessons. If Jon is not home to watch him, he sits and sings with my students!

Yesterday I turned around from cleaning the counter and this is what I found:
He wanted Hunter's Game Boy so he pushed the stool all the way over to the counter, climber up and talked into the Game Boy like a telephone! It was so funny. I gave him a haircut that day! He has pretty bad bed hair!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I promise a desire to hope that the friends of mine are happy have not put like oneself happiness with coming the warm Christmas to like in every year's this time sending to my blessing Merry Christmas