Monday, August 29, 2011

Birthdays Birthdays Birthdays!

First, Happy Birthday to my favorite little girl in the world! Hanna's birthday was clear back in May and I have been such a slacker. She is so important in our lives and makes our house a more peaceful place. What an amazing sister and friend she is, and I am so excited to
see her grow u
p. She started Kindergarten on Monday and I did pretty well until I started walking away with Bridger in the stroller and realized how quiet it was. She was my little helper when it came to playing with Bridger. Now I have only one at home and it's really new to me. I hope I remember what it's like to just play with one baby at home! Happy Birthday Hanna Jo! We love you!Next was our Bridger! His birthday day was on July 27th! We felt so bad this year because on his birthday, we were in Lake Powell without him :( He got an awesome train table which he plays with every day! He was super excited! He loves to be with his brother and sister and follows them around EVERYWHERE. He is talking more and more every day. His funniest words are; "seesee" for Binky, "wawa"for water, and "Ionit" for I want it. He know what he's saying even if we don't all the time. Hunter's Birthday was August 23rd! I can't believe we have a seven year old! He chose to go to the Mayan restaurant with our family and we had a blast! He also got a gun, a gameboy game, school clothes, some new books and stuff I can't remember. I have to tell the story of his cap gun though. So 3 days after he got his cap gun he was playing with it while he went to the bathroom. The middle part that holds caps fell in the toilet. He would not reach in the toilet to get it and thought all was he flushed. Wow was I mad. It was a nice one too, a really heavy one like the cowboys had. I have to laugh though that he would rather have lost his gun than reach his hand into that toilet. Haha we love that boy! He is such an amazing brother and friend to Hanna and Bridger. Happy Birthday buddy!


me said...

Your children are so precious. And you are a hot mom!! Way to go! Miss you!

Christy Smith said...

Happy birthday cute kids! I hope all of them were great! I can't believe how they've all grown...they can't be this old!