Monday, August 20, 2012

A visit to Palmyra

We tagged along to New York with Jon on his business trip!
We stayed most of the week in Syracuse, NY but one night we were able to make the hour drive to Palmyra.
It was such a beautiful sight to see these flowers.  It was a little taste of Temple Square that  I miss so much.

The Sacred Grove was incredible.  Words cannot describe the beaut

 In the visitors room before the Sacred Grove.  There was a beautiful statue of Joseph kneeling during the first vision.  It was so detailed, I had to take a picture.
 The entrance of the Grove

 Jon was reading the kids the story of Joseph Smith from the Hymn "Joseph Smiths First Prayer"
 This is what Bridger thought of that...

 Joseph Smith's bedside. It was really cool for Hunter to see this and picture it in his head.  He was really grasping it and he's really excited to be baptized

 As you walk to the House of Joseph Smith, you look over at the trees and there's a temple in the forest.  We didn't even know there was a temple in Palmyra.  It is so beautiful!
 This is where Joseph would hide the plates when the mobs would come for them

Hill Cumorah

 This was a pretty steep hill we walked up to the top.  I volunteered to carry Bridger to work off some of the YUMMY pizza we had just eaten!
This is the memorial above the site where the plates were buried.

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