Tuesday, March 18, 2008

St. Patricks Day!

Here's a few new pages of things we have been doing lately. I am so behind because of how busy we've been with birthday stuff and Jon being out of town for a month! But it's finally over WAHOO! Well Jon did tell me he has to be out of town all of next week too which I was totally bummed about until he said I get to come this time! We're leaving the kids with my sister and I;m just tagging along. He'll be working during the day in Pheonix and Tuscon so I will actually have a day off...woah, I don't know what I am going to do! Maybe I'll exercise...hahaha funny right? J.k. I actually do want to and maybe I can read a good book. I am way psyched!
The pics of the kids are on St. Patricks day. Our cute little neighbor friend Niki came over to play. My kids love it when she comes over. Her dad has arranged for Hunter to marry Niki in the far far far away future! They would be the best inlaws! They were playing ring around the rosie. Hunter sang the right tune but the words that came out of his mouth were; "jingle all the way...jingle all the way...jingle all the way!" It was hilarious!


Milly said...

Your kids are so cute! And it is crazy how much Hunter looks like his daddy. Wow. Congrats on going out of town, that sounds like so much fun, and you will be in such nice warm weather... I think I am jealous. Have fun!

Mare said...

I can't believe you guys are outside without jackets enjoying the weather! That just doesn't seem feasible yet! Love the kids' hair in the photos.. Awesome!