Friday, April 11, 2008

Potty time already???

I am not ready to potty train another one! I know that everybody thinks it's such a great accomplishment for the kids but I think mothers should be given some sort of award when a child is completely potty trained. Which by comletely, I mean they can actually hold every drop until they get to the potty!

I was amazed when I let Hanna run around naked the other day and she comes running in to me saying "I did it!" She had gotten the potty out of her closet in her room, put it in the bathroom and had gone peepee in it!!! She tried to dump it out in the toilet and didn't quite make it...we'll get there! She went on to go 2 more times and a number 2! Wow! I'm not ready for that commitment. Ya know, having to leave the park when ya jsut set up you picnic, dragging the basket full of groceries to the entrance of the restroom and waiting there with you other child while yelling into the bathroom, and last of all...Girls can't go in the bushes, DANGIT!


Tisha said...

Congrats on Hannah wanting to potty train... but yes it is a huge pain... Samantha is 3 and I still use pull-up for when we are running around all day. Mostly, I am just really lazy... oh and I hate public bathrooms! I found, that sometimes it's just the novelty that they want to explore the "new bathroom" so with pull-ups I tell her to hold it, and she almost always does.

Mare said...

Oh, the potty. Aren't these the joys of life? I have to say that I'm grateful to be out of that stage. But I just read a bunch of books on it and did a big paper on it - apparently, this is a time you should enjoy and have fun with (according to some crazy). I'll send you a copy of my paper. Fun!

Marianne said...

I can't believe she's already potting training! Good job for her! I still don't think we're past that with Noah. He still has #2 accidents now and then, and I'm sure I don't have to tell you how fun that is. He's getting better, though. Sometimes he can even go to bed without wearing a night time pull up. You're right, though. Now I have the joy of going to the grocery store, filling my cart with our weekly necessities, and as I'm searching an aisle for the next item on my list I hear Noah say, "I gotta go potty." Then, I have to lug my heavy cart across the entire store to the restrooms, leave my full cart at the "No carts past this point" sign, grab Clara and my wallet and take Noah to the restroom. Or, I love it when I ask Noah to go potty before we leave the house but he won't, then when we get to our destination he announces his need to pee. I'm sure you've been there. I guess we shouldn't compain, though. I'd much rather do that than change stinky diapers because, as you know, they get worse the older they get!