Thursday, July 17, 2008

Some funny stories!

So in the morning, if I have gotten to bed really late the night before...which is quite often, the kids will wake up and play together while mommy spends about 20minutes laying in bed mulling over the idea of getting up or not. So a couple days ago I hear Hunter riding Hanna's 4 wheeler in the house, don't ask me how he got it in there. So I think OK, just don't go down the stairs. I hear a crash and in my sleepiness, I jump out of bed thinking it WAS the stairs. Before i even get into the kitchen I hear, "Hanna that milk is too heavy for you, load it up and I'll take it to mommy." I snapped a picture of it as quickly as I could and was laughing so hard. I couldn't decide if it was Hunter riding with that full gallon of milk on the back of his ride or the picture in my head of Hanna carrying it to him that made me laugh harder. Well it was just a funny story and I really do take care of my children, I promise!

So later Hanna finally just climbed on.

AHHH thanks for finally getting my milk mommy!


So on a totally different note I need to dote on my husband for a bit!

Most of you know that Jon got a new job that allows him to work from home a lot! Well I had to run Hunter to swimming lessons last week and then run to do some errands so I left Hanna with him. I thought she'd get some good Dora watching in while he worked on the computer but I come home and see this awesome work project they did together! I thought it was so cute to take time out of his work day to play with his little 2 year old...what a cute daddy! And I wish I had the creativity he had, he can come up with the coolest projects to do with the kids! He should be the stay-at-home mom right? No I would die leaving my kids everyday but I am truly thankful for him!

1 comment:

Mare said...

What a cute project! I wouldn't have come up with the toothpicks! I love the milk story - that is so totally classic. Good to see your son is an out of the box, get the job done thinker!