Monday, September 29, 2008

umbrellas to mushroom trees!

Saturday was full of unexpected events!

It all started out with a rain storm in the living room. Umbrellas, coats, blankets...we had it all, right there on our couch! We CRAZY people!
After that fun adventure, I ran off to teach master classes while Jon tried to finish his 4,000 word paper (1 of 4 due this week) while trying to watch the kids. What a good multi-tasker he is. for a guy at least!!!

Then came the best part... A drive to Mirror Lake. Probably our favorite place to go when we want to see something truly beautiful! I cannot describe how beautiful it was right now with the leaves. I tried to capture it while we drove but the red patches just turned out blurry. The drive took us about 2 hours there and 2 hours back. We got there right at sunset and it was amazing!

Then came the car ride! With Hanna potty training, I have kind of learned her schedule for, ya know... So we brought our potty in the car. Good thing we did. I just couldn't help taking a picture of it. So funny!

There was this cool hollowed out tree with a mushroom carved on top. Perfect for climbing in and on! Random but cute!

And of course, we stopped for icecream on the way home! A messy but fun choice. It was fun, we want to go back in a few weeks, the leaves will be even more beautiful then!


Marianne said...

How beautiful! Those pictures made me gasp they were so gorgeous. I love Mirror Lake, and seeing those pictures made me want to go there for a family outing. Love the picture of Hanna potty training! Yay for fall and family fun!

Jer and Jules said...

I haven't been up there forever, it looks so peaceful. Your family is so adorable, sounds like you have a lot of fun...and a lot of busy-ness going on!

Rob and Tiff said...

Wow that looks like lots of fun and so beautiful.

Julie said...

Oh, I miss Utah so much right now. The Fall is my most favorite time. Thanks so much for those pictures, they were beautiful. Everything is still green here in good ol' Alabama, but they are still great.

Mare said...

what pretty photos - hoping to see you guys!

Leah said...

hello there! I didn't know you guys had a blog! It's fun to see how your little family is doing! It's too bad we don't see you more often.