Monday, April 20, 2009

A fun work getaway!!!

We tagged along with Jon this last weekend to his work trip in Moab and Grand Junction Colorado! With Jon's job there are a lot of Perks and a lot of long weeks with him gone and me as a single mom. When he does go out of town, me and the kids usually ending planning a lot to take up the time and eating out a bunch at way too kid friendly restaurants with play places! Well this time...I said, "We're coming!" No Jon loves for us to come and he was actually just given this new territory up to just west of Vail, Colorado! It's crazy, we used to live there and Jon's sister lives there so we will be able to visit often!
This trip we spent a night in Moab then on to a night in Grand Junction then stayed with MaryAnn & Jeff and the kids in Eagle Colorado on Friday night. I have to post some pictures of the resort we stayed in in Moab, it was absolutely gorgeous! Right next to the river and a very nice kitchen, which is a must when having kids with you! I wish I would have taken more pictures but it was harder than I thought to chase those kids around in different cities without my husband there to help me.

This was the view from the front of the hotel room in Moab! The mountains were so amazing. If it wasn't for the wind...which was I guess the worst wind storm they'd had in 10 years... it would have been perfect!

Jon had to drop us off to play for a few hours while he had some meetings. We were supposed to hit the movie theatres to see monsters vs. Aliens, but they had no afternoon showings during the week...lame! So...we went exploring. Yeah, not so much fun when 6 months pregnant! We went down into this cool little forest area and and Hunter was our "leader!" He kept looking back at me and saying, "come on mam!" After that we were all so exhausted we had to sit down to rest for a while. This is where this picture is taken!
"Yay! We're finally here mom!"
We just got these new headphones for the kids (by the way, I will never go back to not using DVD players...they are the best invention EVER!) And they are not in kids sizes. They fit Hunter okay but Hanna's kept falling so if you look close, we shoved newspaper under it to fit. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do right?

When we got to Grand Junction, we went swimming then walked to the nearest place to get lunch! By the time we got back we all had to use the potty and were worn out! I went to the bathroom and came out to find this...Do ya think Hunter's watching daddy too much?! What funny kids!
We loved visiting MaryAnn and Jeff and the kids. It was so nice to have a home cooked meal after eating out so much and MaryAnn is quite the Chef! We especially loved the cookies and
ice cream! Yum! Next time we'll definitely have to do the wings!


Kim said...

Jon was telling us about this on our run this morning. That sounds like such a fun place! He said you found a house, too. Congratulations! It sounds really nice.

jilljohnson said...

Looks like you had a fun trip. I bet you keep up with Hunter the whole time. I can not believe that you are already 6 months prego. About the house building we are hopping to dig our hole this Saturday!!!

Tisha said...

Great idea to about the headphones, Sami spends most the time playing with hers because they just slide off... Looks like such a fun trip, hope you get to go on more soon!

Meredith said...

Hey post some pictures of you and your 6 month pregnant self. I haven't seen you in forever! Let's do lunch!!

Christy Smith said...

I'm glad everything worked out, even though it was crazy for you! I love the picture of the kids have to catch those moments while they last! :) The kids have been asking when we're going to see you guys again everyday since we were over, so we'll have to plan something this week. It seems like we see you guys almost more than when you lived close! I hope your performance went well, and I'm crossing my fingers for you with the house! Have a good weekend!