Monday, August 2, 2010

What a random summer!

We went down to Nephi this last week and got our family pictures taken! They were at my aunt and uncle's farm and the kids had so much fun! I don't have the family pictures yet but afterwards the kids got to feed the new baby calf with a bottle. It was so cute! Hanna was too chicken but Hunter loved it!

Bridger just loved eating the straw!
Hanna, of ocurse, found the kitty and tried to feed her milk!

And Hanna got a little thirsty...silly girl!
That little calf was so cute. They fed him his mommie's milk from a bottle.

We went camping up in the Uintahs a couple weeks ago. We stayed at Trial Lake and it was beautiful! This is a little path the kids kept running up and down while trying to help daddy set up the tent.

Hunter and Jon like to find all the plants that are edible. This is Hunter's face after one that is not so yummy!
We have 2 pretty awesome hikers here!
They are trying to get in shape for our hikes in Yellow Stone!
This picture goes without saying! HAHA we were laughing so hard! Gotta love the tan line too!
Ope, he just saw me posting this and is now looking at me with his eye browns raised!!! ( HE just tickled me under my chin and said "That's what you get!" What a funny boy!)
Ok I think we've been hiking too much this summer! Every time Bridger sees this backpack, he starts crying. No he really is pretty good about it, he just gets a little tired of taking naps in it.

This was on a Sunday hike up little cottonwood canyon! It was the most beautiful sunset and was the pretties rain storm that night!
Okay, this is just a random picture of the kids in the morning! I had to take a picture to what I wake up to every morning! The kids love to see peek and see if Bridger is awake in the morning and when he is, they climb in and make him laugh so hard. It is the cutest thing in the world! I feel like the luckiest mom in the world!
One day though, that crib is going to give out and I'm going to have 3 CRYING children on the floor.


DottieLou said...

what a cute little family ... and you are brave for posting that picture... I laughed out loud...

Marianne said...

So fun and so cute! And have I ever told you how beautiful you are? Well, you are!