Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Random musings!

There are so many pictures I take because I think they're just cute things. So here are a couple of random things we have been doing this week!


The kids were so cute on mothers day. They each picked out a flower all by themselves and they actually did a really good job! They even brought me breakfast in bed which was way to messy to take a picture of so just imagine! Daddy and Hunter did the dishes for me which helped since I was sick in bed with strep .
My 2 little happy helpers!

I don't know if I should be as excited as I was to have this day come but I totally was! I have had strep throat through the weekend and Jon has had such bad allergies that he sounds like he's been talking through a Kazoo! So on Monday, we took a sick day! Wow, I forgot how wonderful it feels to actually not do anything all day long! I don't think we've done that since we were first married. Sometimes you get to the point where life is so busy that you're begging to have a sick day just to take some down time! The kids must have been having a sympathy sick day because they followed what ever we were doing! It was great we got some good movies in!

Seth, our little neighbor comes to his moms on weekends and loves to play at our house! It's nice to have someone older for Hunter to play with. Here they are, Hunter is reading Seth the scary monster book. I still love those kind of books! Hanna does get a little jealous sometimes.


Sometimes we have days where we get to stay home the entire day and I love those days! Today was one of them. I am so tempted to be on the computer way too much doing ya know...what ever we moms do all day on the computer, but today I was determined to plan something productive! We made a "car" themed lunch! We made car sandwiches and had a "Car"pet picnic and watched "Cars" in the family room, it was great! the random banana slices are a "Cool road for the cars to drive," in Hunters words! Sorry about the crappy looking cars, it was the best I could do with still trying to be healthy!

What's wrong with this picture???

Don't ya just love the random moments of life???


Mare said...

That is so awesome - it's those little things (like trucks in the fridge) that make being a mom all worth it...

Momma Dil said...

Cute, creative lunch idea! Just another reason to be amazed by you...