Monday, May 5, 2008


We are trying to get our house ready to sale and there's so much that needs to be done! Don't ya love that right before you sale your house it finally looks that way that you have wanted it to look the whole time. And you didn't even get to enjoy the new things about it? Gotta love the busy life, everything gets put off until the last minute...nobody else is like that right?

We have started with our kitchen flooring! If anybody had seen it, it was pretty bad...white tile with a few that WEREN"T cracked! We are putting in hardwood floors and debating whether or not to just do the entire upstairs, more expensive but worth it!

We will post more when more gets done!
Wish us luck! Doing home projects is one thing..doing them with a 3 yr old and a 2 yr another! Dora is my best friend right now!


Tisha said...

Okay, why are you putting your house on the market? Where are you moving to????

Mare said...

Ditto Tisha's comment - what is it we all don't know about?
And boy - that man of yours loves projects! What a blessing he knows how to do that sort of stuff - and thinks it is fun (or at least wants to do it)