Monday, August 4, 2008

Fun at the Park!

We love summer time! The Murray park is the best around for picnics! Full of stuff for the kids to do from playgrounds to rivers with ducks to swimming and ice skating!
So we went today with a bunch of our friends and the kids had a ball! I love it when the kids have little playmates that they love to play with so much but it makes me sad that they are growing up so fast! Hunter actually called a friend the other day and asked if he could play...he walked over there by himself and everything aaaaaahhhhhhh, where did the time go!

So if you only have one baby swing, (which I have no idea why Hunter wanted that one, he hasn't done that since he was 1)... you improvise!

I feel so loved every Sunday when Neva comes into primary! I am the only one she will go to and she is such a cute cuddler...i love it! Thanks Sher, for letting her love me so much!

Speaking of Summer.... The FRUITS OF OUR LABORS!!!

Yay, we finally have veggies from our garden, I am so excited! The kids have helped a ton and I want to show of theirs and Jon's hard work! I would love to take credit but I haven't done all that much so here's to their hard work!!!

Oh and a couple other pics of summer that I thought were just random and cute!
Don't you love Hanna's little table here for her chips, this girl does not like clothes!
My mom and Hunter! Hunter's got the ice cream and mom's got the diet coke! Everyday occurrence at the Ostler home!
And I just thought this was too cute! I was remodeling our bedroom and had just finished the rocking chair in the corner when Hanna said "here mommy!" bringing this little one to sit right next to it!


Lindsay said...

I am so jealous of your veggies! I planted a garden and nothing grew. I don't know if it is the weird vernal dirt, or if i just kill plants. It was sad! But, on a positive note, they do have a farmer's market here! (at least we get some garden fresh veggies, huh!) :o)

Mare said...

I can't believe you are harvesting already and I can't believe summer is already winding down! SO sad! So fun to catch up with you on your blog!

Julz said...

I'm so jealous of your day at the park! I miss hanging out with you guys! But it looks like you had a great time!